On Saturday 25th of October we (Bee Universal Inc. and Connect Magazine) created the 7 Sisters Human Mandala as part of the Yungaburra Folk Festival.

The festivals parade led over 400 people to the smallest mandala we have created (only 15 metres in diameter) and it was quite a feat to get everyone involved in the mandala.

However, feedback has been that it was the best mandala we have done so far. Although things did not exactly go to plan, the energy that was created was felt by many. The artistic outcome was not as highly defined as desired but it was recognized that the successful energetic aspect is what we are really aiming for.

In my opening speech I said “…the mandala we have created relates to the local landscape- the 7 Sisters, the 7 hills around Yungaburra and it also connects to the 7 Sisters in the stars – the Pleides. Tonight we create a bridge between heaven and earth.” It was then that a shooting star was seen heading towards the constellation of the 7 Sisters! It still makes all my hairs stand up!

Another powerful and magical moment was when everyone was yelling out the qualities of the colours that we were focusing on – Vitality, Wisdom, Joy, Harmony, Peace, Spirit and Love. Our intention to enhance these qualities within ourselves and in our community.

Thank you to everyone who participated and made this such a powerful and special event.

I have attached one photo for your reference. For more pics there is a double page spread in the November Edition of Connect Magazine.

Please contact me if you would like to order a photo.

To follow this up I have organised a Mandala Magic Workshop on Sunday 23rd of November in Cairns.
If you are curious about mandalas and want to explore their magic, come along and experience it for yourself.
Feel free to contact me for more details.